Get your mojo on at MICE2018

 Get your mojo on at MICE2018

Joining MICE for the first time next year is specialty coffee roaster White Mojo. To celebrate, we caught up with owner Ben Luo to find out how best to enjoy a White Mojo coffee and what motivates him.


MICE: What coffee do you drink first thing in the morning?

Ben Luo: I normally have a piccolo – it’s the perfect amount of caffeine to start the day and I can drink it quickly, so I can get on with my morning!


MICE: What’s best to pair with a White Mojo coffee?

Ben Luo: Nothing, it’s best drunk alone. But, if I had to choose something, I’d go with the simple and delicious peanut butter on toast.


MICE: Who would you choose to have a coffee with?

Ben Luo: I would choose my baristas, because I need to know how they are each day. It’s also the perfect time to check the taste and flavours of the coffee for that day.


MICE: What gets you out of bed in the morning?

Ben Luo: White Mojo gets me out of bed in the morning!


Make sure you grab a cup from White Mojo at MICE – you can vist them at stand #116.