MICE partnering with Reground to divert coffee waste from landfill

 MICE partnering with Reground to divert coffee waste from landfill

We’re pleased to announce that we’re partnering with Reground this year, to divert coffee waste from landfill.

Reground is an innovative social enterprise helping organisations and individuals create a circular economy through waste collection and waste minimisation projects. They are waste experts, invested in local, people-centric solutions that disrupt the system to create better waste behaviour and practices.

As of September 2022 Reground has diverted almost a million kilograms of ground coffee from landfill, the equivalent of over 25 million lattes. Additionally, they have diverted over 37,000 kilograms of chaff and over 100,000 kilograms of soft plastic. By keeping these three resources in the community and out of landfill, Reground has prevented over 2000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

As a social enterprise, Reground is committed to making lasting, positive change in the community. They partner with cafes, coffee roasters and offices to divert ground coffee and chaff from landfill and deliver it, free of charge, to our network of community gardeners, grassroots collectives and innovative recyclers. In the process, we retain all of the valuable organic matter that went into coffee production and invest it in soil health, food production and innovative new products that benefit the community.

Together with our cafe and roaster partners, Reground is actively redesigning waste systems to retain valuable resources, minimise landfill and grow the circular economy.

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