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Melbourne International Coffee Expo


Roasters With Altitude is a small boutique coffee roaster, sourcing Arabica coffee beans ethically farmed from organic and sustainably grown crops in developing countries. The focus of Roasters With Altitude is to support fair-trade – they specialise in coffee from Timor-Leste, but also source beans from Ethiopia, Columbia, Brazil, Mexico and Sumatra. These beans are then roasted in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Australia.

The woman behind Roasters With Altitude, Libby Bleakley, lived and worked in Timor Leste for more than 7 years. During her time there she established the Timor Learning Centre, and profits of Roasters With Altitude go directly towards running the Centre. Facilities include an English school, a women’s sewing centre, and a gymnasium.

Libby understands that to make a project sustainable and successful in the developing world, the local community needs to be initially consulted and ultimately take responsibility and ownership of the venture. Hence eight Timorese staff are now employed to facilitate the running of the Timor Learning Centre. The Centre is about establishing strong social foundations by bringing the local community together.

Through Roasters With Altitude, Libby has now expanded her connections to include the farming community –  dealing directly with farmers when choosing beans. By supporting the farmers in newly developing economies, Roasters With Altitude hope to play a significant part in their development towards self-sufficiency.

At MICE2019, Roasters With Altitude will be selling barista aprons, hospitality aprons and tote bags made by five women at the Timor Learning Centre. 100% of all profits will go directly towards supporting the Centre’s $40,000 annual running cost and the wages of the workers there.

Check out the Roasters With Altitude website to find out more about their coffee and the Timor Learning Centre.